Project Title: Leveraging Blended, Online, and In-Person Learning to Empower Ugandan SchoolsGoals: The U.S. educator will conduct trainings for school administrators from central and northern regions of Uganda on effective methods for blended teaching and learning. The Directorate of Education Standards is interested in utilizing platforms such as Zoom, Google Classroom, and other free platforms/apps via Google Classrooms. Training in how to blend virtual and in-person learning techniques will provide school administrators with the necessary skills and resources to better equip their educators with guidelines on how to develop online materials, lessons, and assessment modalities. It is hoped that the successful implementation of this project will result in the permanent implementation of blended learning in Ugandan classrooms which will boost student learning outcomes and provide a way for Ugandan schools to continue teaching during
various natural and man-made disruptions that require educators and students to operate remotely. |
Project Overview |
City, Country: Kampala, Uganda
Project Dates: June 5 – July 14, 2023 Project Length: 6 weeks |
Background |
COVID-19 presented significant challenges to the MOES as nearly all schools in Uganda were
unable to operate virtually. Despite limited knowledge and resources for online learning, the Directorate of Education Standards set out to design guidelines for virtual education and equip educators with the ability to teach online through the development an online curriculum and platform. Approaches and practices were borrowed from other education systems in order to quickly put something in place. However, this resulted in a system inadequately designed for the community at hand and an online platform insufficiently utilized. As the pandemic lingers on and the desire to permanently integrate online learning into the curriculum increases, the need to better equip educators with the knowledge, skills, and systems to effectively conduct blended learning is as important as ever. |